Thursday, April 17, 2014

Round 2 - TKO!

Well, last week was my first round of chemo.  I have to say I am a little disappointed. Last time I went through this adventure I never threw up once.  Last week THREE days in row. (Don't worry I am not going to spend a lot of time dwelling on this!)  This week though, it has been all I can do to stay awake, which in my opinion is worse.  I have slept for days it seems.  I can hardly keep my eyes open!  I may not have a lot of time left on this earth and I don't want to spend it asleep!  Still, my poor body is in recovery mode.  After surgery I went home only to return a week later with water on my lung.  About 2 liters!  Then about a week later after that back again with more water in my lung and they did a pleurocentisis to drain my lung and hopefully keep it from filling up again.  Four liters that time!  Yuck! Don't ask me where it all comes from! Well the whole thing was stupidly painful and I had tubes sticking out of my side for a couple of days and am now nursing an inconvenient wound but I guess it could be worse.  I am feeling a little whiney today in case you couldn't tell.  I hate when I get this way.  And I know it will be better tomorrow but I still just hate losing time to sleep... funny really...just a few weeks ago I was thinking I would love a couple of days to just catch up on sleep and be lazy...

Next week ends cycle one of chemo with loads of tests the next week and then we start cycle 2. Six cycles total as long as they are having the desired affect.  If not we will try something new. Still enjoying the adventure that is Life!

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